Sustainability Actions for Kids
You have probably heard the terms "climate change" and/or "global warming," but do you understand what they mean?

What is climate change?
Both the terms "climate change" and "global warming" refer to the increase in average global temperatures. "Climate change" is the preferred term by scientists because it encompasses other global changes that are occurring along with the rise in temperatures; weather patterns are changing, sea levels are rising, and polar ice is melting. Although the world's climate has fluctuated naturally throughout history, the vast majority of scientists agree that the changes we are seeing now are different and are a direct result of human activity.
Why is climate change happening and how are humans causing it?
Carbon is in all living things. As plants and animals die and decompose, their remains are squished underground over millions of years, eventually turning into coal, oil, and natural gas, also known as fossil fuels. Humans remove these fuels from the earth and burn them for energy to power our cars and heat our homes, releasing previously stored carbon into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, or CO2. Our destruction of forests and burning of trees also contribute to excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is extremely effective at trapping heat. As more and more CO2 is released, Earth's atmosphere is trapping more of the Sun's heat, leading to a warmer planet. The ability of Earth's atmosphere to trap heat is known as the greenhouse effect. While the greenhouse effect is necessary to sustain the comfortable temperatures that support life on Earth, the extra CO2 that humans are constantly releasing is altering the balance of heat that is trapped versus heat that is released, leading to a warmer planet Earth.
What are some of the effects of climate change?
- stronger storms, including hurricanes and intense rainstorms
- more intense and more frequent heat waves and droughts
- increased sea levels as polar ice sheets melt at a faster rate
- ocean acidification as the ocean absorbs more carbon dioxide, threatening an array of marine animals
What can you do to help stop climate change?
Climate change is a global problem that needs a global solution. While no one person or family can solve this issue on their own, individuals can choose to change their behaviors to reduce how much carbon they are releasing into the atmosphere. Here are some actions that individuals can take to help lower their "carbon footprint," or how much carbon their actions are responsible for releasing. Everyone can work together to treat our shared planet better!
- Plant a tree. Trees help absorb carbon dioxide from the air.
- Take short showers and be careful not to waste water.
- Walk instead of drive, when possible.
- Use fewer single-use items.
- Cut down on paper use.
- Eat less meat.
- Buy fewer clothes, wear hand-me-downs, and pass along outgrown clothes and toys to family or friends.
- Learn to fix broken items and patch clothes instead of throwing them away.
- Compost food scraps.
- Conserve energy by unplugging appliances when they are not in use.
- Don't litter.
- Recycle as much as possible. Even better is reducing how much waste you produce to begin with.
- Plant a pollinator garden with native plants.