Make Your Own Snail!
Snails are amazing creatures: They move so slowly! Their eyes retract into their heads! Their shells are spirals! And they leave a slimy trail behind them! Try these crafts to make your own snail. What other ideas do you have for making snails and spirals?
How to Make a Pipe Cleaner Snail
This activity is adapted from Danielle's Place.

What You'll Need
You may need sighted help with this, so ask an older sibling, friend, or adult to help you.
- Make the snail's shell
- Start at the center of the snail's shell. Bend down one end of a pipe cleaner and roll the pipe cleaner into a spiral shape until you are happy with the size. (You can also press one end of the pipe cleaner down with a finger, and wrap the rest of the pipe cleaner around and around that point to make the spiral.) Be sure to leave enough of the pipe cleaner to make the body.
- Make the snail's body
- Bring the rest of the pipe cleaner straight out from the spiral shape and bend it back in the same direction, toward the spiral shell. Cut off the excess pipe cleaner if needed.
- Make the tentacles
- a. Fold a piece of pipe cleaner in half, cut it to the right size, and glue the folded end to the back of the snail's body.
- b. Glue small pompoms to the tips of the tentacles, or roll up another piece of pipe cleaner for each eye. Glue tiny googly eyes to the pompoms or rolled up pipe cleaner.