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All the Colors of the Rainbow

by Jon Aldrich

All the colors of the rainbow,
they're everywhere.
Even if you can't see them,
you'll feel them in the air.

Let's start with Red [she's so hot],
like coals in a barbecue.
Strawberries and cherries and apples are red.
And when you blush, your face feels red, too [ha!].

Next is Orange [sniff, ah],
I'll bet you can almost smell the fruit.
Orange is a little bit lighter than red,
that's a fine attribute.

Here comes Yellow [what a nice fellow],
the color of the sun.
He's kinda laid back and mellow, you know,
I think Yellow is just plain fun!

Now Mr. Green's makin' the scene, [mmm],
he's so serene.
When you walk barefoot on a fresh cut lawn,
You'll smell and feel the green.

Then there's ol' Blue [hey, Blue!],
man he's such a cool hue.
Water is blue, the sky is too.
But that, I'm sure, you already knew.

Pretty, pretty Purple,
she's made up of red and blue.
I'll bet if you ate too many grapes,
you might turn purple too.

Wait, I can't forget Gray,
says he's bright as the Milky Way.
But Gray can also paint
a cloudy, dreary, rainy day.

We can't leave out Black and White, [I almost forgot].
They're as different as day and night.
Black is as dark as your shadow,
and White's quite like a bright light [whew].

What about Brown and Pink,
they're still around, I think.
So many colors it's amazing,
so join me now and sing.

All the colors of the rainbow,
they're everywhere.
Even if you can't see them,
you'll feel them in the air.

Yes, even if you can't see them,
you'll feel them in the air.

This song was composed and sung by Jon Aldrich for Great Expectations

Mixing Colors to Make Other Colors

Did you know that:

Blue + red = purple

Red + yellow = orange

Blue + yellow = green

Sing Barney's Color Mixing Song!

Photo of Barney and friends.

Photo of the Musical Rub Art Station set.

Use thin pieces of textured paper to give tactile feedback!

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