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Introduce colors to your blind child with this fun game that incorporates tactile objects, braille, and social play!

Below are instructions for making a matching color wheel game, mostly from materials you already have around the house!

Follow the instructions below, or:

The page from the book, described below, for reference

Game Description

This game starts with a simple color wheel (6 colors in all) that has been turned into a spin board. The colors can be identified multiple ways: through color, print, braille, and a tactile element.

I used clothespins for playing pieces, but you might come up with another idea. Each clothespin must match the color, print, braille, and tactile object also used on the color wheel. The idea is to match up your clothespins with the colors on the board and get rid of all your pins first!

What You'll Need

How to Make Your Color Wheel Game

The page from the book, described below, for reference

It's Time to Play!

  • Place the 24 clothespins in a box or bag and mix them up. Each player is given one clothespin until there are no more left and everyone has the same number of pins.

  • Player one spins the wheel and sees which color they land on. If they have a clothespin in that color, they attach it to that color's triangle and they get to go again. If they don't have that color, it's the next player's turn.

  • The player to get rid of all their clothespins first wins!

  • BONUS! If you land on a secondary color (orange, green, or purple) and you have both primary colors that make up that color, you can pin 2 pins at once. So, for example, if you land on orange and have a yellow and red pin, you can pin both red and yellow (and get rid of 2 pins in one spin).

This activity was created by Amber Bobnar of for Great Expectations

Girl holding blue game piece, about to clip it to color wheel
Girl attaches blue game piece to color wheel
Girl smiling with color wheel game

Accessible Board Games

Photo of the accessible Candyland game.

Check out this adaptation for an Accessible Candy Land which uses textured fabric to represent the many colors in the game.

What We're Learning

  • How to play and take turns
  • Social etiquette
  • The concept of winning (and being a good winner/loser)
  • Color names
  • Braille and literacy
  • That when some colors are combined, they make new colors
  • Matching
  • Counting
  • Tactile discrimination
  • Fine motor skills in squeezing and pinning the clothespins
Social media image: Pictures of game, says DIY multisensory color wheel game. Perfect for blind kids! step-by-step guide and printables.

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