Jokes and Tongue Twisters!
Telling jokes and "trying tricky tongue twisters" is a great way to spend time with friends and family. People say laughter is the best medicine because it has the power to change your mood for the better!
In Grumpy Monkey, the hyena suggests that Jim Panzee should laugh — because if you are feeling a little grumpy, a good laugh can always help! Check out the jokes and tongue twisters below, and if you are feeling creative you can make up your own monkey jokes, too!
Monkey Around with Jokes!
Who knew there were so many good jokes about monkeys and chimps! Do you think these would cheer up Jim Panzee?
There are two monkeys on a tree and one jumps off. Why does the other monkey jump too?
Monkey see, monkey do.
What is a monkey's favorite cookie?
Chocolate chimp
Why did the monkey like the banana?
Because it had appeal.
What is a chimp's favorite Christmas carol?
Jungle bells
What do you bring to a jungle party?
Chimps and dip
What's a chimp's favorite month?
What do chimps wear when they are cooking?
What do you call a baby monkey?
A chimp off the old block
What do chimps do when they go mad?
Go bananas
What did the banana say to the chimp?
Nothing, bananas don't talk!
What kind of key opens a banana?
A mon-key
What do you call a monkey that sells potato chips?
A chipmunk
Why don't monkeys play cards in the jungle?
There are too many cheetahs around.
How do you make an ape laugh?
Tell a whale of a tale.
What happens when you throw a banana at two hungry apes?
A banana split
What do you call a monkey with a banana in each ear?
Anything you want, it can't hear you.
How does an ape get down the stairs?
It goes down the banana-ster.
What do you call a monkey that succeeds at every sport?
A chimpion
What do you call an angry monkey?
Furious George

Monkey Around with Tongue Twisters!
Try to say these tongue twisters over and over as fast as you can, without making a mistake. Who in your family or class can do it the best?
If eight great apes ate eighty eight grapes, guess how many grapes each great ape ate.
Charlie the chimpanzee eats chips and cheese and chats to a chicken eating chocolate.
Maggie the messy monkey gets mad on Monday.
This activity was created by Lisamaria Martinez for Great Expectations.