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More team-building fun — with charades!

Architects don't work alone — they work on a team!

Here are FIVE easy ways to promote teamwork, while having fun building stuff.

#1: Marble Run

Marble runs are easy to construct, require only a few items, and quickly build team spirit! The basic idea is to create a path for your marble to follow — from A to B.

Teacher and class hold up the marble run

What You'll Need

Getting Started

#2: Human Caterpillar

All you need is a bunch of newspaper, lots of masking tape, and a group of kids who can move as one!

Kids inside the newspaper caterpillar wheel!

How to Make a Human Caterpillar

#3: Build a Snow Fort

Everyone can participate in building a snow fort! All it takes is a good shovel, a few hard workers — and snow!

Kids inside a snow fort

How to Build a Snow Fort

Here's how to build an "ultimate" snow fort!

Facebook-ready image says Five Building Activities to Encourage Teamwork

These activities were created by Amber Bobnar of for Great Expectations.

#4: Human Knot

bunch kids' arms and hands for the knot

Can you build a knot? Can you untie it? Have everyone stand in a circle and hold hands with other kids across from them (not next to them). Each person in the circle must hold hands with two different people. Now, without letting go of anyone's hands, untangle the knot! Good luck!
Materials that are part of the marble run kit

Cut to the chase with this Marble Run Kit!

#5: Milk Jug Igloo

teacher and class building a milk-jug igloo

Here's an extra credit project for the whole classroom: Build an igloo out of gallon milk jugs!

teacher and class building a milk-jug igloo

teacher and class building a milk-jug igloo

Under the Sink

Drawings of pipes

Trace your hands over the piping under the kitchen sink or the gutters outside a house. Which way does the water flow?

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