Five Easy Team-Building Activities
Architects don't work alone — they work on a team!
Here are FIVE easy ways to promote teamwork, while having fun building stuff.
#1: Marble Run
Marble runs are easy to construct, require only a few items, and quickly build team spirit! The basic idea is to create a path for your marble to follow — from A to B.

What You'll Need
Getting Started
- 1. Tape the sections together and let the fun begin!
- 2. Each child holds his or her section of the marble run in place, so the marble rolls through the piping from one end to the other.
- 3. Kids can discuss how best to line up, in what order, and how to tilt their section to keep the marble moving along.
- 4. Place a metal pail or steel pot at the end of the run, and — PING, the marble has landed!
#2: Human Caterpillar
All you need is a bunch of newspaper, lots of masking tape, and a group of kids who can move as one!

How to Make a Human Caterpillar
- 1. Discuss the basic design of a caterpillar: a continuous band of "track plates," driven by two or more wheels.
- 2. Tape all the newspapers (or trash bags) together in one large circular band, big enough inside to hold everyone on the team!
- 3. Have all the kids stand inside the structure, single file, feet on the newspaper "track plates" below them, arms above their heads holding the newspaper "tracks plates" above them.
- 4. Carefully take one step forward — all together now! — while gently pushing forward the newspapers overhead.
- 5. The person at the front of the line sets the pace, keeping the newspaper tracks moving forward from one end of the room or field to the other.
- 6. Whoa — not so fast! Everyone must move together!
#3: Build a Snow Fort
Everyone can participate in building a snow fort! All it takes is a good shovel, a few hard workers — and snow!

How to Build a Snow Fort
- 1. Plan a good open spot for your fort.
- 2. Check weather conditions — you need cold weather for a few days.
- 3. Shovel snow into a very large pile, and let it harden overnight.
- 4. Start shoveling out snow, leaving a small crawl entranceway.
- 5. Let everyone participate — load up a small sled inside to carry out the snow.
- 6. Lay down some old rugs inside your fort. Drink hot cocoa as a reward.
- 7. Plant a flag on top!
Here's how to build an "ultimate" snow fort!

These activities were created by Amber Bobnar of for Great Expectations.